

Punch House Spritz

2 oz
A quinine-laced Moscato wine base aperitif produced in Italy. It is a variety of Americano wine that uses gentian root as the primary ingredient.
4 oz
A carbonated wine made from skin-less red grapes. Usually carbonated from natural fermentation, but increasingly via carbon dioxide injection.
1 oz
A juice used in some cocktails for its tart and acidic properties. Grapefruit juice can be pre-squeezed and kept fresh for many days like orange juice, unlike lemon and lime juice.
1 oz
Water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved, creating a fizzy texture. We treat soda water, club soda, seltzer and sparkling water the same.
1 wheel
A hybrid citrus fruit originating in Barbados as an accidental cross between two introduced species, sweet orange and pomelo. Like other citrus fruits the grapefruit is popular among cocktails for its peel and juice.

Build in a rocks or wine glass over ice, gently stir to combine. Garnish with a grapefruit wheel. #build #ontherocks

avg. 3.3 (6)
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