Time for Suze
20 ml
Also called Jenever, Dutch gin or Holland gin, this is the oldest type of gin and is still made in the Netherlands, France and Germany. It is mild flavored gin with slight juniper flavor and aroma. usually bottled around 30-35% ABV.
15 ml
A Swiss aperitif flavored with gentian roots; 15% ABV. Pablo Picasso depicted a bottle in his collage 'Verre et bouteille de Suze'.
40 ml
An aromatic beverage brewed from almost any herb, root, spice, botanical or dried fruit imaginable. Used in cocktails to add a bit of flavor, dilute the drink, and/or attach a created drink to place. Where's my crumpets?
4 dash
A distilled, highly alcoholic (45-75% ABV), anise-flavored beverage derived from botanicals like wormwood, green anise, fennel, hyssop, melissa and other herbs. Technically a spirit, as it is not bottled with sugar. The green fairy.
0.25 oz
A syrup made from dissolving granulated sugar (sucrose) in water. Regular simple is made by combining 1:1 sugar:water by mass, rich simple is 2:1 sugar:water by mass although only 1.5 times as sweet as regular. We always use 1:1 syrup unless otherwise noted in the recipe itself.
Shake all ingredients with ice and fine strain into a chilled glass. #shake #straight
A drink to be drunk during tea time, from Emily Muscutt, England.