0.5 oz
A blend of the Original Combier, V.S.O.P. cognac and Elixir Combier, with ingredients such as aloe, nutmeg, myrrh, cardamom, cinnamon, and saffron.
0.5 oz
A French liqueur made by the Carthusian Monks since 1737 according to the instructions given to them by François Annibal d'Estrées in 1605. It is a distilled alcohol aged with 130 herbs, plants and flowers. The name derived from the monks' Grande Chartreuse monastery in the Chartreuse Mountains. Chartreuse is known to age and improve in the bottle. Yellow Chartreuse is sweeter in flavor and aroma than its green brother; 40% ABV.
0.5 oz
An Italian bitter aperitif made infusing herbs and fruits in alcohol and water. ABV ranges from 10% to 29% based on country.
1 dash
Aromatic bitters from Fee Brothers, that are aged in emptied oak whiskey barrels from American distilleries.
2 oz
A sparkling wine produced from grapes grown in Champagne, France. The carbonation is due to secondary fermentation of the wine after it's bottled. For our purposes we treat this the same as Brut and Sparkling Wine.
1 twist
An orange colored citrus fruit. Many types of orange make an appearance in cocktails. The peel and juice are equally valuable to diverse cocktails.
Stir all the ingredients (except the champagne) over ice, then strain into a flute. Top with champagne. Garnish with an orange twist. #stir #straight