Negroni, White
1.5 oz
A spirit whose flavor profile revolves around juniper berries. Originally from the Middles Ages, modern gin is a derivative of the Dutch drink jenever (genever). You can make a home-made gin by simply infusing vodka. There are a large number of recipes online.
0.75 oz
Also known as bianco vermouth, blanc vermouth or Italian white vermouth, this is a type of sweet vermouth that is colorless (clear) with vanilla forward flavoring.
0.75 oz
A Swiss aperitif flavored with gentian roots; 15% ABV. Pablo Picasso depicted a bottle in his collage 'Verre et bouteille de Suze'.
1 twist
A yellow citrus fruit. The peel is often used as a garnish while the juice incorporated into the drink for a tart flavor profile (citric acid).
Build your ingredients over ice in a rocks glass, gently stir to combine. Garnish with a lemon twist. #build #ontherocks